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Solid Waste 

In the solid waste industry, solid waste cranes are essential in keeping pits and material segregated areas up to speed with the delivery truck systems. Here at Crane Equipment Manufacturing Corporation we offer a wide variety of operating systems to accommodate any and all solid waste facilities. We specialize in custom designing our machines to fit your every need. Take a look at a few of our models, keep in mind that we are able to engineer custom designs to meet our customers site needs for efficiency. 

160 SW Model

160 SW Stationary Model

Our 160 SW Stationary Machine is among the lightest & most agile of our solid waste machines. It is ideal for a solid waste station that has lighter volume. Though it is smaller in size it is very efficient and quick. It gets the job done and very affordable. All of our machines are highly customizable and we offer a multitude of options and extras that will suit your every need.



160 SW Mobile Model

Our 160 SW Mobile Machine is the perfect utility work horse.  It's used for but not limited to cleaning up and handling roadside debris, garbage pickup, tampering dumpsters, road wreckage, storm clean-up, wood debris, etc. Like all of our machines, this model is highly customizable, to fit all the necessary requirements for its field of service. 

215 SW Model

The 215 SW Stationary Model is the most commonly used in the solid waste industry. It is ideal for fast paced and high volume solid waste stations. Like all of our other machines it is highly customizable and we offer many additional options/extras that will better suit the needs of your waste station. Customer have reported increase pay loads after installing a 215 SW into their waste station. The volume can be 50% greater than compactors alone. The 215 SW Model is the ideal machine for most applications. 

300 SW  Model

Our 300 SW Stationary Model is by far the largest and strongest of our models. This model is meant for heavy loads and long hours. With a net lift over 10,000 pounds, this machine will get the job done. It is most commonly found in heavily populated metropolitan cities both in solid waste and material handling situations. Like all of our machines, these are custom made to order, available with additional options and extras to best fit your needs.​

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